(VIDEO) Washington: Manifestaciones a favor de la abolición de armamento nuclear


En Washington mientras líderes mundiales intentaban ponerse de acuerdo en torno a la seguridad nuclear un grupo de activistas se manifestaron el las calles exigiendo eliminar todos los armamentos nucleares.

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1 comentarios:

TiendaOnline-CasaDelAngel-Conocimiento=Conciencia dijo...

Tal vez esto es más grave, pueden investigarlo?...Gracias

Before leaving office, Bush approved new Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for radiation releases
Rules dramatically weaken public protections.
by Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Global Research
January 21, 2009
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
from GlobalResearch Website

Just before leaving office, the Bush Administration approved new Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for radiation releases that dramatically weaken public protections.

In particular, the new PAGs would permit radioactivity in drinking water hundreds to millions of times higher than longstanding EPA standards.

The PAGs weren't able to published in the Federal Register before Inauguration, but unless the new Obama Administration pulls them back immediately, they could be published in the next few days.

The Order issued by the White House Tuesday to suspend all rulemaking activities until the new Administration can review them might be interpreted by Bush holdovers at EPA as strictly only covering formal rulemaking. In order to avoid rulemaking legal requirements, the Bush Administration issued these new standards as Protective Action Guides instead.

So it is critical to get EPA to immediately pull the PAGs back from the Federal Register.

Please call the EPA Administrator's office at 202-564-4700 today and leave a message, asking that the Radiation Protective Action Guides be withdrawn immediately from publication in the Federal Register.

For more information, see http://www.committeetobridgethegap.org/pdf/radiation012109.pdf or contact Dan Hirsch of the Committee to Bridge the Gap at 831 336-8003, irsnet@nirs.org